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A Beer for Everyone

I thought that it would only be fitting to talk about Guinness on the day the Irish (and even the Americans) celebrate the death of St. Patrick. As many know, Guinness is an Irish stout that originated in Dublin, Ireland. Guinness took the world by surprise by making their commercial about typical beer-loving men playing a game of basketball. The twist? They were all in wheelchairs.

At first glance, this commercial seems like an ad for anything BUT beer.

Target: To all those beer-- loving men...(but honestly, this ad started to make me want a pint of Guinness)

Insight: In the media, disabled people are often depicted in a negative light. We are all stronger than we think we are. Guinness plays on the fact that loyalty, dedication, and friendship are all aspects that can bring people together no matter what their differences are.

Brand Idea/Positioning: Guinness is "Made of More" - It's more than just a beer to drink at a pub. Guinness makes you be a better person, and pushes you to be the best person that you can be. The ad says "The choices we make reveal the true nature of our character." When people choose Guinness, they are much more than just their drink of choice. They are athletes, friends, lovers, and so many more things.

Objective: To paint Guinness as more than just a beer. This ad aims to inform their consumers that you can be just as dedicated to your friendship as you are to the love of a sport or to the love of a certain beer.

Strengths: When this ad aired a couple years ago, I remember going "Wow." Not only did it touch on such a powerful topic, but it made me feel something that alcohol companies tend to lack in their advertisements. How can a beer commercial show so much emotion? It reminded me of how great people can actually be if they choose. The men in the commercial that willingly chose to play basketball in a wheelchair to include their friend who was actually in a wheelchair is something you don't see often in the real world.

Weaknesses: Yes, Guinness is typically a man's beer. But can't women appreciate it too? I do think that this advertisement holds a powerful message. However, I would've liked to see an inclusion of females too (many in a different ad). Guinness doesn't HAVE to always be a masculine brand.

Watch the ad below:

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