Super Bowl is not only the biggest football game of the year, but the biggest marketing game of the year for brands. While many fans cheer for either the Patriots or the Falcons, many other people wait every year for those moving ads to pop up on the television. So what was this year about? With the election, Brexit, movement of technology, and so much more that happened so far, the commercials aired were heavily influenced by these ideals. Here are some of the more prevalent themes that popped up this weekend.
1. Trump & Immigration

With the recent events that have happened, it's safe to say the media is still obsessed with all of the immigration issues that have arose since the election of Trump. Of all of the commercials aired, these were the most emotional and moving ads of the year.
The Expedia commercial we were able to see with Michael Quinones in class appeared again at the Super Bowl this year. The commercial titled, 'Train', follows a woman through her journey of exploration and helping others. She is able to travel the world while changing it through rescuing refugees and experiencing new cultures. It ends with the woman, now old in age, speaking to a young boy. She tells him, the key to a better world is you. Expedia strikes an emotional chord as they target youths who are thirsty for travel. Their message is that young millennial are the key to change the world from hatred and pain (
84 Lumber crashed their Twitter account after their release of an immigration ad that sparked commentary on the issue. Their six-minute commercial was rejected by Fox because of the controversial imagery that it contained. However, the preview during the Super Bowl was just enough to encourage people to visit their site to watch the full video. The film followed a mom and daughter and their arduous journey of trying to cross the border. In the full length film, they reach their destination only to find out that there is a huge border separating them from freedom. They find an opening in the wall where they run off, the commercial ends with "The will to succeed is always welcome here". (
2. Acceptance & Equality

Airbnb took their stance by airing a commercial with clips of different races of people with the text, "We believe no matter who you are, where you're from, who you love, or who you worship, we all belong. The world is more beautiful the more you accept." Furthermore, the Airbnb CEO took a stance by offering free housing to refugees and those not accepted in the US on his twitter account on January 28, 2017 (
Audi's commercial features a girl car racing with her male peers. It's main theme touched upon acceptance and equality as her dad ponders on questions about men being worth more or valued more than women. Audi did a great job in showing it's stance towards this particular issue. Like the Airbnb commercial, Audi clearly advocates for equality in the workplace as well as in the environment. (
3. Technology

With our importance faced on technology, I found many commercials to be high-tech and technology friendly. Companies such as T-Mobile, Intel, Wix, Sprint, & GoDaddy all put out ads this weekend.
Google is a company that thrives on their innovation and creativity. I saw the ad for their Google Home device. Like the Amazon Echo, Google Home acts similarly. However, I think this ad was very powerful because it brought people together. I had never heard of their device before so I think that their emotional message of bringing people together with this type of item really helped them to advertise especially when many commercials aired today were about acceptance, tolerance, and togetherness.
Intel also did a great job at advertising their technology in their collaboration with Tom Brady. Brady was featured doing normal things as ad 360-degree camera caught specific moments of his actions. Not only was it a funny and quirky video, but it also showed Intel's range of product as it featured their 360-degree replay technology used in this years Super Bowl.
4. Celebrities

As with many ads that we see on tv, celebrities are endorsers of products. They are the "cool" kids who make you want to buy a product as soon as you see them using it. This year was no different. Buick took an interesting spin by incorporating Cam Newton and Miranda Kerr. T-Mobile had its fair share of celebrities as they had several commercials featuring Justin Bieber, Martha Stewart, & even Snoop Dogg. Bai Juice got Justin Timberlake singing "Bye, Bye, Bye", while Melissa McCarthy took on nature in a Kia Niro ad.
One of the most interesting ads was the Honda CR-V commercial that featured celebrities in their high school yearbooks. Tina Fey, Jimmy Kimmel, Amy Adams, Steve Carrell, and more were transformed into talking versions of their yearbook photo. Honda's ad emphasized chasing your dreams because all dreams are attainable - which of course, can be done with a Honda CR-V.
While the ads today were heavily focused and influenced on the recent Trump election, many ads also added laughter and joy into our lives as we watched the game today. Didn't get a chance to watch the big game today? Here are the best and worst ads of 2017 according to the Chicago Tribune: